Once again our lab set out for an exotic location to write write write! Following months of working in isolation, it was a nice change to get together and write collaboratively, with the encouragement and exchange of ideas that you can only get from your fellow researchers.
This year we ventured to Port Willunga. Our beachside house was the perfect spot for three days of writing. It was walking distance from Fleurieu Peninsula’s most photographed beach! The beach is famous for its golden cliff faces, crystal clear waters, soft white sands, and collectable pebbles. With only the sound of waves lapping at the sand, this spot was ideal for intense writing sessions.

As usual, our retreat featured team-bonding board games, great food, and excellent wine. We even had a special guest, former lab member and current collaborator Sasha Nahleen dropped in to share in some food and board games and to talk research with us all.

As with any writing time, it is important to set goals, and stick to a schedule. Our writing time was strict, which meant that the evenings could be spent going for walks along the picturesque coast, practicing yoga, or simply relaxing in the quiet of the semi-rural setting.

See more pictures of our adventure in our Gallery here.