This year has been a difficult time for everyone, and for those of us in scientific research, sharing ideas without conferences has been particularly hard. So what do you do when you are researching science and cannot get together with your colleagues to share your work? You do it virtually!
The Association for Psychological Science has put on a Virtual Poster Showcase of psychological science posters to showcase the work that psychology researchers are continuing to do even through this challenging time. The APS Virtual Poster Showcase is a great way to experience the latest in psychological science research from around the world.
Registration is free, and access to the virtual showcase is available from June 1- September 1, 2020. You can check out the whole showcase here.
As prolific researchers, our lab was able to send a number of posters to the showcase to demonstrate some of the work we have done during this highly unique year. Go to our gallery to view the research posters we contributed to the showcase.
To access our posters, click on the links below:
Emotional Stimuli Impair Attention Equally in the Left and Right Visual Field
People Involuntarily Recall More Disgust Than Fear Images
Voluntarily- and Involuntarily-Retrieved Memories Have Overlapping Characteristics